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High Level Overview

Typstyle is a code formatter, the input is a string of typst source code and the output is a string of formatted typst source code.

To format the code, there are certain main steps that are followed:

  1. Parsing: The input code is parsed into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) using the typst-syntax package. If the input code is erroneous, the code will not be formatted and following steps will be skipped.
  2. Attach Attributes: The AST is traversed and certain attributes are attached to the nodes. Like some nodes should be skipped from formatting, some nodes should be formatted in a special way, etc.
  3. Formatting: The AST is traversed and the AST is transformed into a Wadler-style pretty-print-tree. This tree is then converted into a string of formatted code.
  4. Post Processing: The formatted code is post-processed to remove any trailing whitespaces, etc.
  5. Output: The formatted code is returned as the output.

The main work happens in step 2 and 3. We will discuss these steps in detail in the following sections.